Les secteurs de l'armée et de la défense offrent un ensemble de métiers accessibles à de nombreux profils. Les candidats doivent justifier d'aptitudes professionnelles requisent par la loi et être immatriculés à la préfecture pour pouvoir exercer leur métier. Au-delà du niveau de formation, ce secteur cherche surtout des personnes fiables. Avoir un casier judiciaire vierge est une première condition pour accéder à ces secteurs. Pour l'ensemble de ces métiers de terrain, il va sans dire qu'une bonne condition physique est indispensable. L'armée fait d'ailleurs passer un bilan médical complet et des épreuves sportives lors d'une phase de sélection de deux jours et demi.
IntroductionA career in IBM Consulting embraces long-term relationships and close collaboration with clients across the globe.You'll work with visionaries across multiple industries to improve the hybrid cloud and AI journey for the most innovative and valuable companies in the world. Your ability to accelerate impact and make meaningful change for your clients is enabled by our strategic partner ...Afficher plus
IntroductionA career in IBM Consulting embraces long-term relationships and close collaboration with clients across the globe.You'll work with visionaries across multiple industries to improve the hybrid cloud and AI journey for the most innovative and valuable companies in the world. Your ability to accelerate impact and make meaningful change for your clients is enabled by our strategic partner ...Afficher plus
IntroductionA career in IBM Consulting embraces long-term relationships and close collaboration with clients across the globe.You'll work with visionaries across multiple industries to improve the hybrid cloud and AI journey for the most innovative and valuable companies in the world. Your ability to accelerate impact and make meaningful change for your clients is enabled by our strategic partner ...Afficher plus
IntroductionA career in IBM Consulting embraces long-term relationships and close collaboration with clients across the globe.You'll work with visionaries across multiple industries to improve the hybrid cloud and AI journey for the most innovative and valuable companies in the world. Your ability to accelerate impact and make meaningful change for your clients is enabled by our strategic partner ...Afficher plus
IntroductionA career in IBM Consulting embraces long-term relationships and close collaboration with clients across the globe.You'll work with visionaries across multiple industries to improve the hybrid cloud and AI journey for the most innovative and valuable companies in the world. Your ability to accelerate impact and make meaningful change for your clients is enabled by our strategic partner ...Afficher plus
IntroductionA career in IBM Consulting embraces long-term relationships and close collaboration with clients across the globe.You'll work with visionaries across multiple industries to improve the hybrid cloud and AI journey for the most innovative and valuable companies in the world. Your ability to accelerate impact and make meaningful change for your clients is enabled by our strategic partner ...Afficher plus
IntroductionA career in IBM Consulting embraces long-term relationships and close collaboration with clients across the globe.You'll work with visionaries across multiple industries to improve the hybrid cloud and AI journey for the most innovative and valuable companies in the world. Your ability to accelerate impact and make meaningful change for your clients is enabled by our strategic partner ...Afficher plus
IntroductionA career in IBM Consulting embraces long-term relationships and close collaboration with clients across the globe.You'll work with visionaries across multiple industries to improve the hybrid cloud and AI journey for the most innovative and valuable companies in the world. Your ability to accelerate impact and make meaningful change for your clients is enabled by our strategic partner ...Afficher plus
IntroductionA career in IBM Consulting embraces long-term relationships and close collaboration with clients across the globe.You'll work with visionaries across multiple industries to improve the hybrid cloud and AI journey for the most innovative and valuable companies in the world. Your ability to accelerate impact and make meaningful change for your clients is enabled by our strategic partner ...Afficher plus
IntroductionA career in IBM Consulting embraces long-term relationships and close collaboration with clients across the globe.You'll work with visionaries across multiple industries to improve the hybrid cloud and AI journey for the most innovative and valuable companies in the world. Your ability to accelerate impact and make meaningful change for your clients is enabled by our strategic partner ...Afficher plus
IntroductionA career in IBM Consulting embraces long-term relationships and close collaboration with clients across the globe.You'll work with visionaries across multiple industries to improve the hybrid cloud and AI journey for the most innovative and valuable companies in the world. Your ability to accelerate impact and make meaningful change for your clients is enabled by our strategic partner ...Afficher plus
IntroductionA career in IBM Consulting embraces long-term relationships and close collaboration with clients across the globe.You'll work with visionaries across multiple industries to improve the hybrid cloud and AI journey for the most innovative and valuable companies in the world. Your ability to accelerate impact and make meaningful change for your clients is enabled by our strategic partner ...Afficher plus
Que signifie être ingénieur(e) en étude de développement Fullstack ?Vous serez à notre département R&D vous interviendrez au sein d’une équipe de développement agile sur l’ensemble du cycle de vie des produits. Vous aurez pour principales missions de :Participer à la conception, développer et tester des briques lo ...Afficher plus
unyc est l’un des acteurs de référence dans la commercialisation de solutions télécom et IT en France, à travers un réseau de près de 1000 partenaires. Au fil de ses 20 années d'existence, unyc a réussi à s’imposer comme un leader des technologies de la communication, avec une croissance ininterrompue et une forte ac ...Afficher plus
Umake est un jeune cabinet d'ingénierie spécialisé dans l'IT/Digital qui accompagne ceux qui façonnent le monde de demain.Nous sommes animés par trois piliers Excellence : Nous nous entourons de collaborateurs passionnés pour accompagner nos clients dans leurs projetsDurabilité : Nous avons la volonté de laisser une empreinte positive sur not ...Afficher plus